Mine and earn Kot Tokens


How to mine Kotia?

two possibile ways:

1- POS (let wallet open)

2- POW until block 1.000.000 (can use any miner support scrypt)



Yes!  check list on page


Can i MINE SOLO with wallet



What hardware need to mine?

In case of POS you need simply token in wallet, more token more chance to have rewards, in case of POW need hash power so more power more tokens 😉

Easy setup for MINING POOL

check pool stats here :


Mine direct from Kotia-core wallet (Windows)

Tutorial – Mine for blocks with Microsoft Windows

Mine for blocks with your Windows wallet and the following instructions.

Click here to download the file kotia-qt-windows.zip.

Open File Explorer and go to your downloads directory.

Extract the zip file kotia-qt-windows.zip

Open “Run” with the keyboard shortcut winkey + r.

Enter the following text behind “Open”: notepad

Press on the button “OK”.

Paste the following into notepad.


Click on the menu item “File” -> “Save As…”.

The open dialog box will appear, click on “Save as type” and select the option “All Files (*.*)”.

Enter the following text behind “File name”: kotia.conf

Click on the menu bar, type the following text %appdata% and press on the enter key. enter

Create the folder kotia and open the folder.

Press on the button “Save”.

Create a new file with the keyboard shortcut ctrl + n.

Paste the following into notepad.

@echo off

set SCRIPT_PATH=%cd%


echo Press [CTRL+C] to stop mining.


 for /f %%i in ('kotia-cli.exe getnewaddress') do set WALLET_ADDRESS=%%i

 kotia-cli.exe generatetoaddress 1 %WALLET_ADDRESS%

goto begin

Click on the menu item “File” -> “Save As…”.

The open dialog box will appear, click on “Save as type” and select the option “All Files (*.*)”.

Enter the following text behind “File name”: mine.bat

Click on the menu bar, open the location where you extracted the zip file kotia-qt-windows.zip.

Press on the button “Save”.

Open your wallet and execute mine.bat to mine your first block.



Tutorial – Mine for blocks with macOS

Mine for blocks with your macOS wallet and the following instructions.

Open Spotlight Search and type the following:


Click on terminal.

Execute the following command, to open your downloads directory:

cd Downloads

Install Homebrew with the following command:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"

Enter your sudo password to install Homebrew.

Install wget with the following command:

brew install wget

Download your macOS wallet with the following command:




-O kotia-qt.dmg

Download the macOS tools for your wallet with the following command:




-O kotia-tools-macos.tar.gz

Extract the tar file with the following command:

tar -xzvf kotia-tools-macos.tar.gz

Create the data directory for your coin with the following command:

mkdir "$HOME/Library/Application Support/kotia/"

Open nano.

nano "$HOME/Library/Application Support/kotia/kotia.conf" -t

Paste the following into nano.


Save the file with the keyboard shortcut ctrl + x.

Go to the directory kotia-tools-macos, with the following command:

cd kotia-tools-macos

Open nano.

nano mine.sh -t

Paste the following into nano.




echo Press [CTRL+C] to stop mining.

while :


./kotia-cli generatetoaddress 1 $(./kotia-cli getnewaddress)



Save the file with the keyboard shortcut ctrl + x.

Make the file executable.

chmod +x mine.sh

Open your downloads directory in Finder.

Install your macOS wallet with the file kotia-qt.dmg.

Open your wallet.

Go back to your terminal and execute the following command to mine your first block:


Tutorial – Stake for coins with Microsoft Windows

Stake for coins with your Windows wallet and the following instructions.

Click here to download the file kotia-qt-windows.zip.

Open File Explorer and go to your Downloads directory.

Extract the zip file kotia-qt-windows.zip

Open your wallet.

Optional: Unlock your wallet for staking.

Go to Settings -> Unlock Wallet.


Tick the option named “*Tick for staking only”.


Enter the your passphrase behind the text “Enter passphrase”.


Click on the button “OK”.


Stake can only be generated when you have coins in your wallet.

Where can I find my blockchain directory?

The following table shows the default blockchain data directory per operating system.

Operating System Default datadir Typical path to configuration file
Windows %APPDATA%\kotia\ C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\kotia\examplecoin.conf
Linux $HOME/.kotia/ /home/username/.examplecoin/kotia.conf
macOS $HOME/Library/Application Support/kotia/ /Users/username/Library/Application Support/kotia/kotia.conf